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Energy Efficiency (EE) has been termed as The First Fuel by the International Energy Agency (IEA), based on the premise that a unit of energy saved is a unit of energy gained (or generated). In fact, the IEA places so much significance on EE that in its Efficient World Scenario (EWS), it ranks EE initiatives higher than Renewable Energy as a contributor to meeting global targets. Some of the key features of EE initiatives when compared to other forms of sustainable energy initiatives is that: 

  • Everyone has access to it 

  • It is not affected by cyclical nature of RE resource

  • It is not dependent on space availability

  • The Emergence of IOT makes tracking efficiency easier 

  • Generally characterized by lower investment and faster payback

IGT, along with our technical partners - SAS Powertech Pvt. Ltd. - from India, provides a range of EE services and has developed a structured approach to analyse and understand your energy use patterns, the impact of rising costs and quantifiable steps that you can take to mitigate the effect of rising utility and water prices. 

An Energy Audit from one of our energy consultants will provide a comprehensive picture of your current energy profile. It will identify areas of waste and inefficiency in your home or business and will set the platform for proposed improvements that will save you money.​​

Key Benefits of our Energy Efficiency Offerings:

  • IGT team has been trained and certified by the Sustainable Energy Center

  • SAS Powertech have a very experienced team with BVQI certified ISO 50001 auditors

  • Subject Matter Experts in specific domains, such as HVAC, Fuels, Boilers, etc.

  • Availability of wide ranging tools and instruments for measurements

  • Industry leading E-Tap software used for analysis 



EE Services we offer:

Anchor 1
Anchor 2

Comprehensive Energy Audit

Study the consumption of various energy forms used in an Industry like electricity, HVAC, Water, Steam, Compressed Air, Fossil Fuels. Define opportunities in Energy savings by conducting demand analysis. Identify direct and indirect savings as well as areas of improvement for enhancing plant up-time.



  • Create energy pie chart for the facility and define high energy consuming utilities / loads.

  • Suggest possible changes to bring savings at no cost.

  • Define low cost measures with short payback & Identify projects to bring direct savings.

  • Direct savings to client in Energy cost.

Anchor 3

Power Quality Analysis


Monitor the quality of Power circulated from source as well as within the facility & to identify the pollution in power if any. It also helps to understand the requisites to achieve compliance to set standards or IEEE standards. It also helps identify reasons for un explained failures in equipment or frequent down times. Identify problems if any and design solutions if required.



  • Identify areas of power loss.

  • Understand the extent of Power pollution in the facility.

  • Identify the power consumption patterns & power pie charting

Anchor 4

Power Factor Correction (Advanced Hybrid Reactive Power Compensation)


This is an advanced reactive power compensation cum Harmonic Mitigation solution designed for all industries to reduce power loss as well as to ensure maximum incentive benefit from utility company. This solution involves active as well as passive filters to ensure Harmonic mitigation as well as power factor correction. The speed of correction achieved is within one cycle & is very cost effective.



  • Provides solution for Harmonics as well as Power Factor correction.

  • The correction is implemented in half cycle.

  • Takes care of sags/ voltage drops caused by switching of heavy loads.

  • Low operational and maintenance cost.

  • Fail-safe operation ensures higher up-time.

  • Can be offered with attractive payback.

Anchor 5

Harmonic Analysis


Monitor the percentage of Harmonic distortion in the Electrical supply. To check the effects of Harmonic distortion in current as well as voltage on the power in the distribution network as well as identify any kind of failures caused due to higher Harmonic distortion. Verify compliance to set as per IEEE standards or acceptance levels as per industry norms.



  • Determine the extent of Harmonic distortion in voltage & current.

  • Identify the effects of distortion.

  • Calculate power losses caused due to higher percentage of Harmonics.

Anchor 6

Active & Passive Harmonic Filters

Active Filters - Advanced IGBT based Harmonic Filter designed for Industries having high percentage of Non Linear loads / frequently switching loads. These filters are DSP controlled and provide immediate correction and are independent of load ratings.



  • Provides instantaneous Harmonics mitigation.

  • Sub-cycle correction helps arrest damages/ losses caused.

  • Designed to mitigate specific harmonic frequencies as well as complete band of Harmonics.

  • Can be used for complete/ partial power factor correction while mitigating harmonics.

  • User friendly & programmable for changing mitigation requirements

Passive Filters - These are filters designed to mitigate harmonic distortion within the power supply. They are a combination of capacitors and reactors designed as per the predominant harmonic present in the supply as well as the Harmonic generating load. The Filter capacity and location of installation is derived after the Harmonic / Power Quality analysis.



  • Mitigate Harmonics of specific order in a facility.

  • Enhances power quality which reduces down time of the facility as well as equipment life.

  • Various switching options available as per load requirement.

  • Low capital as well as operational cost.

Anchor 7

IR Thermography

Study all points of connection in a distribution network including breakers, busbars & Identify the points of heating in the electrical distribution system. To grade the type of heating and identify the reasons.



  • Can identify hazard points in the Electrical distribution network and define remedial solutions to avoid any electrical incident.

Anchor 8

Electrical Safety Audit


To study the Electrical infrastructure of a facility and certify its worthiness for the current requirements. Physically check the Electrical panel rooms for any hazard or improper storage of goods. Identify points of heating and insulation loss. Check breaker capacities in comparison to the currents recorded. Check earthing system currents against benchmarks.



  • Helps reduce chance of any Electrical incident.

  • Timely identification of hazard area.

  • Helps prepare the preventive maintenance schedule for the facility.

  • Helps enhance the up time of the facility

Anchor 9

HVAC Audit


Study the installed HVAC system and conduct actual demand analysis of the facility to define the exact HVAC capacity required. Identify areas of energy wastage as well as leakages and suggest measures to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumed for HVAC



  • Identify the actual requirement as against installed capacity.

  • Define changes to reduce operational cost.

  • Study and calculate heat losses that can be reduced from HVAC.

Illumination Audit


Study the illumination in a facility and compare it with set standards. Also understand the consumption of the lighting loads in the facility and identify ways to improve illumination or reduce operational cost of illumination.



  • Define OPEX cost of illumination as well as check compliance for illumination standard set for the facility.

  • Identify ways of enhancing illumination at lower operational costs

Anchor 10
Anchor 11

Earthing Audit


Study the earthing system of a facility and check compliance to set standard or defined industry requirements. Study and inspect the current earthing system to check its functionability. Identify requirements to upgrade the system or make it fail safe as per future expansion plans.



  • Understand functionability of the existing Earthing system.

  • Suggest changes if any to enhance it’s reliability.

  • Define changes to accommodate future load expansion.

Anchor 12

ISO 50001 Consultation & Implementation


As BVQI certified ISO 50001 Auditors we help implement this Energy Management system for every industry type. Being a continual energy efficiency enhancement standard the implementation requires enhancing energy efficiency of the facility on yearly basis. This requires setting up of targets for energy reduction on yearly basis and identification of Energy saving projects as well as implementation to achieve them. The standard demands revamp of SOP’s in purchases as well as maintenance to achieve the Energy efficiency.



  • Targeted reduction in Energy Costs for a facility.

  • Enhanced energy efficiency of the facility over years as this standard is a continual improvement standard.

  • Ensures procurement of Energy efficient technologies for all equipment procured.

  • Redefines processes and SOP’s to achieve higher up time in a Energy efficient way.


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